Wholesale and Trade Resources for Authentic Hawaiian Design Services Showcasing Hawaiian Print Fabrics in Orange, Tan and Green



Resources for A&D professionals and those looking to purchase wholesale or source custom authentic Hawaiian design projects.

Special Trade Discounts

If you are a part of the A&D industry or a stager, reach out for a special trade discount on all NOHO HOME products.

If approved, enjoy an industry discount on NOHO HOME purchases.

Wholesale Inquiries

Interested in carrying NOHO HOME products in your store?

Click the button below, fill out a quick form, and a NOHO HOME representative will contact you !

Custom Design Projects

Interested in custom design work by Hawaiian fabric designer Jalene Kanani? Click the link below and start a conversation with a NOHO HOME team member to discuss your custom design needs!

Custom design work includes (but not limited to) the following:

  • Commercial carpet
  • Indoor/outdoor contract fabric
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Exterior cladding
  • Decorative tiles

More questions? Contact us with additional inquiries. How can we help you?

Woman Sitting On an Outdoor Sofa With Decor Pillows Behind Her